
How to reset locks in postgresql tables

Database : SQL

Posted by Maravilla 5 months ago

  • Maravilla 2 weeks ago

    Another working solutions 


    Get the active locks from pg_locks:

    SELECT t.relname, l.locktype, page, virtualtransaction, pid, mode, granted FROM pg_locks l, pg_stat_all_tables t WHERE l.relation = t.relid ORDER BY relation asc;

    Copy the pid(ex: 14210) from above result and substitute in the below command.

    SELECT pg_terminate_backend(14210)

    link :


  • Maravilla 2 weeks ago

    Another working solutions 


    Get the active locks from pg_locks:

    SELECT t.relname, l.locktype, page, virtualtransaction, pid, mode, granted FROM pg_locks l, pg_stat_all_tables t WHERE l.relation = t.relid ORDER BY relation asc;

    Copy the pid(ex: 14210) from above result and substitute in the below command.

    SELECT pg_terminate_backend(14210)

    link :


  • Maravilla 2 weeks ago

    Another working solutions 


    Get the active locks from pg_locks:

    SELECT t.relname, l.locktype, page, virtualtransaction, pid, mode, granted FROM pg_locks l, pg_stat_all_tables t WHERE l.relation = t.relid ORDER BY relation asc;

    Copy the pid(ex: 14210) from above result and substitute in the below command.

    SELECT pg_terminate_backend(14210)

    link :


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